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Patch Panel Spreadsheet Template

I visited an office setup by someone else and in there comms room I made a note of every port used on the patch panel and switches so we can work out a lot of things.
Right now this is all stored in pen and paper, but I of course want to transfer this data to an electronic storage.
I wondered, is there a standard way of representing the way ports are patched up, that is easy to document and update. Of course a spreadsheet springs to mind and this will be the default choice, but I wondered if there is a better way.
Patch panel Ports
1. Green cable plugs into Netgear swtich Port4
2. Green cable plugs into Netgear swtich Port4
3. Green cable plugs into Netgear swtich Port4
4. Red cable plugs into Dlink switch port2
Netgear switch
And so on. Is there some industry recognised way of representing this data.
If necessary I will just do it in excel in the style above, but this must be something commonly done and perhaps there is a standard way or an app that makes it easy to generate and keep updated.

Laser and Inkjet Label Templates

Templates have been created for our Laser / Inkjet printable labels if you do not have the EasyMark software. The templates use Microsoft Word, and are in a table design.
After you have downloaded the template, be sure to save it to your computer for future use.
If you need any additional assistance please contact our Technical Support Group @ 866-871-4571 or via email at techsupport@panduit.com.
Component Label Templates

Wire Marking Label Templates

Laser Inkjet Labels Linecard

Ultimate ID Label Templates