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Mta Sa How To Change Serial


Here's what happened, I play MTA-SA(Multiplayer San Andreas Game) and got banned of an online server. I still want to play on the same server however, so I tried changing my IP - didn't work, I tried re-installing MTA - didn't work, I tried re-installing with my hardware serials spoofed using an app called PB Downforce 0.2 - didn't work yet.

Since all that MTA when banning is to store the hardware serial/IP/username - I tried changing all but so far it hasn't work. And I suspect that the hardware-spoof tool that I'm using maybe it fault for if it is indeed working as it should(and properly), then I should be able to bypass the ban on the server, no? Or is it that MTA stores some other info too to identify the banned person?

Is there any other way or tool that you guys know that does hardware-spoofing or can get me around solving this problem?

Here's the tool that I used for hardware-spoofing - PB Downforce 0.2

Please help and thanks in advance to anyone who does.

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1 Answer

  1. You got banned.
  2. Your serial, IP address and username are banned (and most likely, some unique hash generated from your MAC address, etc)
  3. You tried connecting from a new IP.
  4. That new IP got banned, because you still used other banned information.
  5. You spoofed your hardware serials and connected again.
  6. Now even more information is banned.

Instead of trying to gain access to this server, you should take a time out and reflect on your behavior.

Der HochstaplerDer Hochstapler

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[Question] Multi Theft Auto - Serial Ban?
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Multi Theft Auto - Serial Ban?
1st May 2014, 12:07 AM #1

Posts: 3
Multi Theft Auto - Serial Ban?
Well, hello there!
I just wanted to know if it's possible to somehow change / spoof your serial used in Multi Theft Auto.
I saw in their code (since it's open-source), that there were some traces of functions like 'GetSerial' and 'SetSerial' which got me thinking about this..
MTA Source: https://code.google.com/p/mtasa-blue/source/browse/
~ Greets.
Lordmau5 is offline

1st May 2014, 11:53 PM #2
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2nd May 2014, 06:20 PM #3
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They set the Serial like this,
PlayerID.m_szSerial gets set in the constructor of NetServerPlayerID.
NetServerPlayerID is created in CGame.cpp
So the Serial is set in GetSourceSocket..
Packet is not really the Packet class but CPlayerJoinDataPacket
Then you trace it back a little and see its called the constructor of CAccount

But I cant find who creates CAccount, and who ever does will have the function to create the Serial.
Tell me if you do, should be easy after that!
its in CAccountManager.cpp
But I still dont see where its created.. So I dont know if the serial is for your computer or for your account..
From the wiki https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Serial looks like its HW based. But it still looks like its created when your account is created. I think I'm looking at the server code, can you link the client?
Thats the client but I dont see any login / account code..
Last edited by DarkLinuxz; 2nd May 2014 at 06:45 PM.
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6th May 2014, 01:39 AM #4
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What did you get banned for btw?
Its probably a mac address ban
BinaryWizzard is offline

7th May 2014, 02:50 PM #5

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@cskimmo: Nope but thanks
@DarkLinuxz: Actually I'm pretty sure the source code contains the client and server.
Both, because when you install it, it asks you if you want to install the server aswell.
Also, I could have a look in the registry, though I'm pretty sure they don't store it that easy..
@BinaryWizzard: I did not get banned, but I just want to have something ahead :P
Also, MTA doesn't have a function to ban the Mac-Address, even though that can be spoofed / changed with ease.
~ Greets.
Lordmau5 is offline

26th May 2014, 08:35 AM #6
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w0w darklinuxz almost know every programming language
i hope he can help me with my problem too
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26th May 2014, 11:46 AM #7
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The serial is generated in netc.dll which is not opensource because of the RakNet license.
The netc.dll has a exported function called 'InitNetInterface' it gives you a CNet class <see https://code.google.com/p/mtasa-blue..sdk/net/CNet.h>
Take a look the the GetSerial function, it should be the 19th function if i remember correctly. There is just one function call in GetSerial, i would start to hook the function in GetSerial and see if it works. You can use the 'serial' command in the console to get your serial. They may also have already generated the serial in InitNetInterface and use that at handshakes.
Should be enough to get you guys started.
ExplosivePimple is offline

29th May 2014, 03:56 PM #8

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Thanks, @ExplosivePimple.
I don't have that much of C++ / C#knowledge to get such a hack done actually, but it sure is a start on where to hook in
Also, I hooked onto the gta_sa.exe process and searched my serial just for fun.
It can be found, however, can't be changed ^^
~ Greets.
Lordmau5 is offline

9th June 2016, 06:05 AM #9

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I can bypass a serial ban, without formatting the disk.
Use hard disk serial number changer, available to download in softonic.
sorry for the bump, but i just couldnt stop myself to help
Kewun is offline

11th November 2016, 04:02 PM #10

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Sorry to bump but changing disk serial doesnt work anymore.
magicfaint is offline

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